Auto or manual translations

Translate website in just a few clicks

With our AI auto-translation feature, you'll be able to translate your content into multiple languages in just a few clicks. If you prefer to manually translate, we won't charge you anything.

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Used by 400+ companies & agencies
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Image showing how a search result of your page appears on Google

Get your website instantly translated in any language

Our AI-powered translation feature makes it easy for you to quickly translate your website content into multiple languages. And our AI credits system allows you to purchase only what you need. So, if you prefer to manually translate, we won't charge you anything.

Choose between automatic and manual translation

If you're someone who wants greater control over the translation process and needs a more accurate translation, you can choose our manual translation option. Best of all, you won't be charged anything for choosing this option. Manual translations in Linguana are free and do not require you to purchase AI credits.
Image showing all three different pricing tiers.
Image showing how a search result of your page appears on Google

Get the most accurate translations with Linguana

Our team uses a combination of Google Cloud translations and in-house technology to provide high-quality translations, but exactly how precise is it? According to a study conducted by UCLA Medical Center, Google Cloud accurately conveyed the meaning of 82.5% of the 400 instructions examined.
1000 AI credits = 1000 translated words = $1
If you will be translating the website manually and not be using AI translations, you can do so without purchasing AI credits.
how ai credits work?

Pay only for what you use

AI credits are used for translating your website content with AI. 1 credit equals 1 translated word. This means that if your website has 100.000 words, it will cost you 100.000 credits to AI translate.

AI credits are not a subscription item, and will not add to your monthly cost. They are a pay-as-you-go, 1-time purchase, and can be purchased as you need them.

What others are saying

Used by more than 800 companies & agencies

My experience has been generally positive.  The initial setup is clear and simple and the interface is clean and intuitive.

Gerardo Morales

Senior Webflow developer at Algofy

The dns connection works perfectly, and the UI is quite intuitive. Keep up the good work

Angus Yip

Founder at Media Studio Hong Kong

We're looking to get this live in Spain, Italy, and Germany - I think Linguana sounds like the perfect fit

Joe McLean

Webflow developer

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Frequently asked questions

Have a question? Find some answers below, or contact us on

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How does Linguana's AI auto-translation feature work?
Linguana's AI auto-translation feature allows you to quickly translate your content into multiple languages with just a few clicks, using our advanced AI technology.
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How accurate are Linguana's translations?
Linguana uses a combination of Google Cloud translations and in-house technology, which has been shown to accurately convey the meaning of 82.5% of content in a study conducted by UCLA Medical Center.
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What are AI credits, and how do they work with Linguana?
AI credits are a pay-as-you-go system used for translating your website content with AI. One credit equals one translated word, allowing you to purchase only what you need without any subscription fees.
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Are manual translations in Linguana free of charge?
Yes, manual translations in Linguana are free and do not require you to purchase AI credits, providing flexibility for users who prefer a more hands-on approach to translation.

Other features

Linguana makes it easy to translate your Webflow site into any language without risking your SEO performance.